Eurach Research

Open Access Policy

    The Open Access policy of Eurac Research promotes the efficient and wide dissemination of journal articles and other publications by adopting the Green route to Open Access, using our institutional repository.

    The policy requires researchers to deposit in the Bolzano Institutional Archive BIA the full text (authors accepted version or final published PDF, depending on license and journal policy) of their peer reviewed articles.

    The policy also guides researchers in how to achieve open access for their publications, comply with their funders requirements, and make the most the Open Access options and policies of different publishers.

    Eurac Research actively encourages researchers to publish in open access whenever possible and to retain copyright. The general advice is to license to publishers only those rights necessary for publication.

    How to comply with the Open Access policy in 3 simple steps

    Every publication must be deposited in Converis/BIA to comply with the Open Access policy.

    1. Input the publication bibliographic metadata (including abstract) in Converis

    2. For a peer-reviewed article in a journal:

      a) If it is published in Open Access, upload the final published version of the paper, i.e. the Version of Record

      b) If it isn’t published in Open Access, **upload** the Author Accepted Manuscript and set the embargo period according to the journal policy in the appropriate Converis field
    3. Click Save & close in Converis, which sends the record to the Eurac Research Library for validation and transfer to BIA

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    Toolbox video: the Eurac Research Open Access policy explained in less than 3 minutes

    Open Access in Horizon Europe

    For researchers funded through the Horizon Europe programme of the European Commission there are specific rules to comply with the requirements related to Open Access to scholarly publications. This short Youtube video provides an introduction to help Eurac researchers interpret their publishing options and put in practise the Horizon Europe rules on self-archiving in trusted repositories, APC reimbursement, attribution licenses and rights retention.

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    Toolbox video: a short summary of the rules of Horizon Europe in relation to Open Acces for peer-reviewed scientific publications

    Useful Links

    Liise Lethsalu and Maria Bellantone at the Research Support Office will answer your questions about Open Access and RDM, including training requests, questions about funders’ and journals’ policies, internal and external funding for Open Access and the Open Research Award. The Research Support Office can also be contacted for more information about the Open Access and the Research Data Management Working Groups in Eurac Research.

    For questions about the current research information system Converis and the institutional repository BIA, please contact Antje Messerschmidt at the Library.

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    Eurac Research is a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) with researchers from a wide variety of scientific fields who come from all over the globe. Together, through scientific knowledge and research, they share the goal of shaping the future.

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    Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. [About us](/en/about-us-eurac-research)


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